
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Black Spanish Turkey

Hi, Friends i am back with some new cheats here i am going to share cheat codes for Farmville 2 Black Spanish Turkey.

Black Spanish Turkey

FarmVille 2 Cheat Code For Bee Box

FarmVille 2 Cheat Code For Bee Box


Now FarmVille 2 ‘Bee Box’, which will produce honey with honeycomb (Rare items: Amber Honey Comb, Orange Honey Comb and Golden Honey Comb).  These rare honey combs can be collected by harvesting Bee Box. To harvest FarmVille 2 bee box, players need to collect pollens by harvesting flowers. Players also have a chance to collect special costume to harvest bees by collecting complete set of Bee Hives.

Collected bee hives can be used to fertilize crops without using farmville 2 fertilizer, but we need to feed honey to make it active. But on the other side honey can also be used for crafting so players must plan to get advantage of bee hives. But just like Farmhands, we can only use Bee hives once every 18 hours.

Following are the FarmVille 2 Cheats codes for bee box and other items required to complete building Bee Box for players who are not very regular on farmville 2 but do not want to miss any action