
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Deep Woods Expansion

Hello Friends,
A new Farm Expansion will be coming our way soon! Dubbed as the Farmville 2 Deep Woods, it will have 6 new farm lot located on the far left side of the farm. It will be beside the Wild Horse Gulch. This new expansion besides the usual exclusive items, there will also Mystery Crates in every farm lot. Zynga will be offering this new expansion for early access at first.


Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 3.9.0 Hack (2014)

(Please Leave A Massage If Not Working) 
FarmVille 2 Trainer Xsonicx 3.9.0 Hack.

General Information:
This is the latest Launched version of Xsonicx 3.9.0 Hack. This is a upgraded Trainer, basically there was a change of server, All Problems are solved now ion this version.All the scripts are working fine.Some changes has been made in this version.Do your tests and leave comments, Thank you.

  1. Transform 1 Cash in to 10000 Cash and buy all Items. (use this to buy anything and open expansions But this will not work on Quests. You need at-least 1 cash to use this feature.Now purchase 5 Feed Pack and you will see that you have 10000 cash) (Temporary Cash).
  2. Make cash Items to cost coins (Consumables). ( You can Buy Consumables by using this Feature and if you are quick enough you can use this for builders otherwise server will denied access).
  3. Make cash Items to cost coins (04 63 61 73 68). ( You can Buy Consumables, Trees, animals and decorations etc. by using this Feature and if you are quick enough you can use this for builders otherwise server will denied access).
  4. Produce x300 (Use this feature and Produce x300)
  5. Plant 1 Crop Harvest 300 Crops and Blue Mastery. ( Use this plant 1 Crop, Give water, fertilizer, speed grow and harvest you will get 300 crops. Use this on animals and trees also and get output 300. On some trees it will not work).
  6. All Packs will be 300x. ( use this go to inventory write pack and use it will count 300.
  7. Enable Water Hack + Crafting Power. (Use This and get full energy and water, It is useful in kitchen, Workshop and Kiln).
  8. Get 1,000,000Xp From Placing Hay Wagon/Pool. ( Use this and get free hay wagon/pool and it will give you 1,000,000Xp).
  9. Buy for 0 and sell for 50,000,000 Coins. ( Use this and buy manor free from market and sell it for 50,000,000).
  10. Ask's and post will be ready in 1 minute. ( Enable This and 18 hours will be 1 minute. you can send request again and again).
  11. Harvest Crops, Trees and animals in Minutes. ( Enable this and harvest Crops, Trees and animals as many time as you want).
  12. Harvest Instently Hen House, Well, Furnace and Fuel. (Enable this and harvest Hen House, Well, Furnace and Fuel anytime).
  13. Remove all Rock, Wood ( Visiting Neighbours). (Enable this to Remove Rocks, Woods From your farm. Just visit any neighbour and return home).
  • Clean cache Open the game in Firefox or Chrome (preferably)
  • Now load the game, and wait makes it perfectly, then will make some action, reap ... buy something, etc (this eliminates duplication of plugin-conteiner.exe process).
  • Now open the Trainer and select the flas process of your browser. If you use XP, be the plugin-container, when using Vista, W7 and W8 mark Flashplayer

To Download Click Here Version 3.9.0

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Warning :- While using cheat engine or Trainer you can lose your all progress and some time you get permanently ban.