
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Sheep Nursery

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Sheep Nursery

Hey Friends, 

After Goat nursery and Rabbit Nursery, everyone is expecting nurseries for other animals. And now your wise are going to be true very soon Zynga is going to introduce Farmville 2 sheep nursery in out farms. Concept of Farmville 2 sheep nursery is all of same as of goat and rabbit nursery.  You can train your sheep with different personalities and abilities in Farmville 2 sheep nursery. In Farmville 2 sheep nursery, sheep can be trainer with rambunctious, relaxed and rebellious personalities. And as always my personal favourite is rebellious personality. As far as abilities are concern, players can train these sheep for fertilizer, appetite or wool production.

If you are level 12 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the “Place Sheep Nursery” button to place the Nursery Frame on your farm.
Following are cheat codes for Farmville 2 sheep nursery and items required to complete this building.