
Farmville 2 Birds I View Quest Guide

Hey, {user}! I've been working on my project with the migrating birds. This is a good opportunity to teach young Percy about them!

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Birds I View Quest

Hello friends, As I told you Farmville 2 is going to launch A new task "Birdhouse" on 10.Mar.2015. With this task they are going to launch a Quest "Birds I View".This quest has 8 Missions.

Hey, {user}! I've been working on my project with the migrating birds. This is a good opportunity to teach young Percy about them!

I am going to share the cheat code for those item which we need to ask friends or post on wall.

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Birdhouse Crafting Items Week 3

Hello Friends, It's the final week Farmville 2 Birdhouse Task.I hope you like the previous posts about the Farmville 2 Birdhouse Crafting Items Week 1 And Week 2. and now i going to share the cheats for last week 3 Crafting items. prepare yourself in advance for the task for an edge our your friends.

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Birdhouse Crafting Items Week 2

Hello Friends, I hope you like the previous posts about the Farmville 2 Birdhouse Crafting Items Week 1 . and now i going to share the cheats for week 2 Crafting items. prepare yourself in advance for the task for an edge our your friends.

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Birdhouse Crafting Items Week 1

Hi Friends, in this post i am going to share the Cheat Code for New Farmville 2 Birdhouse Building Crafting Items it is a Weekly task and run for 3 week here is the Cheat Code for Week 1.This Task starts from 10.Mar.2015.

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Birdhouse

Hi Friends, spring is nearly here! Do you know what that means? All kinds of birds will be migrating back to the county! Let's build a birdhouse and fill it with treats to attract the birds to the meadows near the farm. You can have a fuzzy baby Brown Wensleydale Sheep in return as reward. The birds are going to love all these treats you're making for their birdhouse! Earn rewards by crafting fun things for them.

Farmville 2 Birdhouse Guide

The Word, Is Bird. Collect Bird Treats for the migrating birds.

The Farmville 2 Birdhouse is a new feature that will be introduced in game this March. It will be a 3 week long feature where every week there will be a new set of rewards that can be won. To win these items, you will need to collect points or treats and then exchange for them. Below is the preview of the Birdhouse building it self plus the rewards.