
Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 12.3 Hack (2018)

Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 12.3 Hack (2018)

(Please Leave A Massage If Not Working)

Hello Friends,
Hello i know it's been take some time but Today's new update Fv2-XsonicX-12.3. this version fix some of bugs found on other version.Now search in the windows will show an status message of Browser found and will show an progress of process, trainer will try to attach to all know browsers opened.


Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Spring Fishing Tournament Shack

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Spring Fishing Tournament Shack

Hello Friends,



Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 12.2 Hack (2018)

Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 12.2 Hack (2018)

(Please Leave A Massage If Not Working)

Hello Friends,
Hello i know it's been take some time but Today's new update Fv2-XsonicX-12.2 .  today the new version 12.2, this one have new EXE and was rebuild to make all windows usernames profiles be compatible with trainer, so if you have some problem before you need to download.close the game or any other browser and before download be sure trainer is closed, after download run the download file. After Shortcuts show on desktop.First time open trainer without game open, if trainer look same this image. now you can close and use normal. Open Game load until you can enter the farm, and now you can use trainer.Now trainer even with 2 or more windows login in same session, will ignore others users open browsers and will autoatach to the browsers of current user.




Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 12.1 Hack (2018)

Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 12.1 Hack (2018)

(Please Leave A Massage If Not Working)

Hello Friends,
Hello i know it's been take some time but Today's new update Fv2-XsonicX-12.1 . This version will try to end with most user mistakes, some people open trainer without game 100% loading, trainer now will only open when game is full load, and if you reload or close the game and try to use cash hack (for now only with this script) with trainer open, trainer will auto-reload because game is already in another process or even in another browser, with this fix the most "user errors" will be an end story :)Changed background menu Options.Trainer update same every 7 opens.
