
Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 12.5 Hack (2018)

Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 12.5 Hack (2018)

(Please Leave A Massage If Not Working)

Hello Friends,
Hello i know it's been take some time but Today's new update Fv2-XsonicX-12.5. present version 12.5 and this version fix some of bugs found on other versions.All Others version 8.1->12.2 will now stop updates.After now only who install this new trainer will get more new updates.
**trainer folder : C:\ProgramData\Fv2XsonicXTrainerV12 **
 this new version have some new things.
-Removed the Gourmet buttons ( they removed from game ).
-Now Code Replace is Code / Aob Replace and every new code you use will be added to the big list this way you can add more codes and with the Saved button you can edit the txt.
-Removed Saved Menu ( only few used )
-Now Option 2 will change all codes to cost coins and you can pay all and spend coins even quests. ( if there is some -1 in game, reload all and use option 1 only )
-Fixed Harvest x1000 in 32 bits ( fail in some browsers v12.4)
-Trainer is more fast than all other versions.
-if you try to use option 1 or 2 without game full open, trainer auto reload to search game again.
New multi Options Menu to Remove Items from Farm ( just place them in farm click remove and go visit some neighbour and return)
-After now all donative's will get in paypal email an gift code to insert in trainer to remove Ads and get more options 👨‍🌾😮.