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Farmville 2 A Different Beat Quest Guide

Hello Friends,
Next Week Farmville 2 is Going to launch a new limited time feature 'Perfumery' and with this feature they are going to introduce us with a new quest 'A Different Beat'. Here is the exclusive look at the Materials required for the Quest: "A Different Beat".

Hello! Barbara's planning a garden party, did you know? I do now! I don't usually care much for parties, but I've had a long week and it could be a fun distraction!

Release Date: 05.May.2015

  • Party Prep Can you help me with a few errands while I collect my things?
Quest Task:
Perform 5 helpful actions on Neighbor farms.
Click a friend in the Neighbor Bar to visit their Farm.
Gather 20 Water.
Gather water from your wells or water towers!
Water 15 Gardenia.
This crop is available for a limited time.
  • Hairography I'm not always in touch with the latest fashion, so having you to help is great!
Quest Task:
Collect 5 Bejeweled Hairpin.
Ask your friends to send one.
Feed 3 Adult Goat.
Buy this animal in the General Store.
Make 3 Tomato Soup.
Make this item in your Crafting Kitchen.
  • Bag It The only purse I own is old and tattered. Can you make me a pretty bag to hold my party essentials?
Quest Task:
Harvest 3 Pine Tree.
Buy this tree in the General Store.
Make 2 Wool Pouch.
Craft this in the Crafting Workshop.
Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Cave Exploring job.
Make sure to make meals for your family at your Picnic Table.
  • Stepping It Up I'm not looking forward to teetering about in high heels, but I'm in it for the long haul now!
Quest Task:
Collect 5 Pair of High Heels.
Ask your friends to send one.
Gather 30 Power.
Harvest your Furnace or Windmill for Power.
Make 3 Peach Lemonade.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
  • Make It Up As You Go!Getting a new mirror will be fantastic. And hopefully I can put my makeup on right!
Quest Task:
Tend your Sheep Shack 2 times.
If you don't have one already, buy it in the General Store or check your Inventory.
Harvest 4 Rubber Tree.
Buy this tree in the General Store.
Make 3 Embossed Leather Mirror.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
  • Coming Clean With a bit of soap and a dash of perfume, I'll be good to go!
Quest Task:
Feed 4 Adult Horse.
Buy this animal in the General Store.
Make 5 a Lye, to help remove the dirt.
Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
Make 2 bottles of Peared off.
Craft this in your Perfumery.
  • Skirting The Issue Breeches are no good for dancing! Could you help me find a nice skirt?
Quest Task:
Collect 5 Red Skirt. Red is Marie's color!
Ask your friends to send one.
Feed 5 Adult Cow.
Buy this animal in the General Store.
Go Fishing 5 times.
You can fish from your Fishing Boat.
  • You Get What You Puddin' I promised Barbara I'd get the dessert. You can't go empty handed to a party, can you?
Quest Task:
Harvest 20 Strawberry.
Buy this crop in the General Store.
Tend your Rabbit Warren 2 times.
If you don't have one already, buy it in the General Store or check your Inventory.
Make 3 Strawberry Angel Food Cake.
Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.

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