
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Rabbit Warren

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Rabbit Warren

Hi Friends,

For very long FarmVille 2 players were demanding for more expansion of land and provision of more Farmville 2 animals. Once again FarmVille 2 studio has proved that they do care about wishes of FarmVille 2 players. It is now evident that both wishes are going to come true as very soon 4 farmlands will be available for expansion. Where in one Farmland will also unlock another Water trough for players. Not only is this, just like Prized Chicken Coop, Goat Shelter and Sheep Shack, FarmVille 2 going to release Rabbit Warren very soon. Players can store 12 prized Rabbits in Rabbit Warren and feed them every 18 hour to get Fine Rabbit Wool and rare Golden Fleece. Following are the FarmVille 2 Cheats Codes for Rabbit Warren and items require building Rabbit Warren. Very soon we will be releasing FarmVille 2 Cheat codes for prized animals also so that you can fill your Rabbit Warren with Prized Rabbits


Farmville 2 Rabbit Warren Guide

Hey Farmers, The Rabbit Warren has arrived in FarmVille 2!

You can store your Prized Rabbits in this home and feed them all with a single click! If that was not enough, Prized Rabbits in the Warren will only require half the amount of Feed & Speed-Feed, and will produce Golden Fleece.

If you are level 11 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on “Place Rabbit Warren” to get started.
Rabbit Warren - FarmVille 2


Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Rabbit Nursery

Hello Friends,

In coming week farmville 2 is going to introduce another building. This will be farmville 2 rabbit nursery. The concept of farmville 2 rabbit nursery is same as goat nursery. With farmville 2 rabbit nursery players can develop three different characters of rabbits: 
  • Bonus fertilizer – A rabbit has this ability produces two doses of fertilizer. 
  • Bonus appetite – A rabbit has this ability hungry twice as fast. 
  • Bonus wool – A rabbit has this capacity to produce two bales of wool. 
And this includes three different behaviors of the grownup rabbits:
  • Malicious – A mischievous rabbit loves being silly … but it’s so cute that you cannot blame him. 
  • Loving – A loving bunny loves cuddles and will follow you around your farm. 
  • Acrobat – A rabbit that loves to run around and play the fool on your farm. 
The disadvantage of using goat nursery was it consumes too much baby bottles which is why many farmville 2 players think it was not worth. But we feel that in case of farmville 2 rabbit nursery it will not be so. Frankly speaking if it’s not farmville 2 baby bottles, many players love having goats with different personalities. We are sure you are going to love rabbits with various personalities.

Here we are providing farmville 2 cheat codes for farmville 2 rabbit nursery and items required to build it.


Farmville 2 Rabbit Nursery Guide

The Rabbit Nursery is here! Use this building to train your baby Rabbits to develop their personality and train them to produce extra resources!

The Rabbit Nursery Feature is broken up into three consecutive development stages (quest sets) that you can complete at your own pace.

If you are level 12 or higher, you will see the following pop up. Clicking on the “Place Rabbit Nursery” button will give you the ability to place the Nursery Frame on your Farm.
Rabbit Nursery - FarmVille 2