
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Rabbit Warren

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Rabbit Warren

Hi Friends,

For very long FarmVille 2 players were demanding for more expansion of land and provision of more Farmville 2 animals. Once again FarmVille 2 studio has proved that they do care about wishes of FarmVille 2 players. It is now evident that both wishes are going to come true as very soon 4 farmlands will be available for expansion. Where in one Farmland will also unlock another Water trough for players. Not only is this, just like Prized Chicken Coop, Goat Shelter and Sheep Shack, FarmVille 2 going to release Rabbit Warren very soon. Players can store 12 prized Rabbits in Rabbit Warren and feed them every 18 hour to get Fine Rabbit Wool and rare Golden Fleece. Following are the FarmVille 2 Cheats Codes for Rabbit Warren and items require building Rabbit Warren. Very soon we will be releasing FarmVille 2 Cheat codes for prized animals also so that you can fill your Rabbit Warren with Prized Rabbits
Cheat Code for Rabbit Warren
Change Value to String

Scan:- e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Wine bottle spread)
Change To:- e_building_rabbitwarren_l1

If you wish to remove building just reverse the code

Rabbit Warren Decoration

Change Value to String

Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_red (Crimson Sighs Kite)
Change To: e_deco_building_rabbitwarren_l1

Cheat Codes For Under Construction Rabbit Warren

Scan:- e_deco_wanderingpigwheelbarrow_gnome_a (Gnomerwagon)
Change To:- e_building_rabbitwarren_construction_l1

Remove Under Construction Rabbit Warren

Scan:- e_building_rabbitwarren_construction_l1
Change To:- e_deco_wanderingpig_wheelbarrow_gnome_a (Gnomerwagon)

Building Material For Rabbit Warren
Change Value Type To String
  • Blue Paint
Scan:-  e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (Pink Flamingo)
Change To:- e_rare_buildable_paint_blue
  • Rabbit Bedding
Scan:- e_rare_crafted_wool_fabric_blue (Blue Wool Bolt)
Change To:- e_rare_buildable_bedding_rabbit
  • Rabbit Trough
Scan:- e_rare_crafted_bag_strawberry (Strawberry Scented Bag)
Change To:- e_rare_buildable_rabbittrough

Following are farmville 2 cheat for decorations you can use to make your Rabbit Warren more realistic in look
  • Rabbit Hole A
Change Value to String

Scan: e_deco_woodpile_log (Wood Pile)
Change To: e_deco_rabbithole_a
  • Rabbit Hole B
Change Value to String

Scan: e_deco_woodpile_log (Wood Pile)
Change To: e_deco_rabbithole_b
  • Rabbit Hole C
Change Value to String

Scan: e_deco_woodpile_log (Wood Pile)
Change To: e_deco_rabbithole_c
  • Rabbit Hole D
Change Value to String

Scan: e_deco_woodpile_log (Wood Pile)
Change To: e_deco_rabbithole_d

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