
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Duck House

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Duck House

Hello Friends,

Farmville 2, Zynga is going to release a new farmville 2 building for prized ducks. This farmville 2 Duck House, like other prized animal buildings can store 12 prized ducks and saves space on your farm. In farmville 2 duck house you can feed all your farmville 2 ducks at once using half the feed. With release of farmville 2 duck house, zynga is also releasing a mini quest where players have the opportunity to unlock an exclusive crop and decorations. Here we are providing farmville 2 cheats to build farmville 2 duck house. Also check out the items requires building farmville 2 duck house with their farmville 2 cheat codes. Collect these items in advance so that you are ready as soon as farmville 2 duck house is released.
Making A Complete Duck House

Scan: e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Wine Bottle Spread)
Change To: e_building_storage_duck_l1

Duck House Decoration

Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_red (Crimson Sighs Kite)
Change To: e_deco_building_storage_duck_l1

Removing A Complete Duck House

Scan: e_building_storage_duck_l1
Change To: e_removing_storage_duck_l1

you can use the following farmville 2 cheat code if you wish to remove under construction farmville 2 duck house

Scan: e_building_storage_duck_construction
Change To: e_deco_animated_newyear_fwork1_purple

You will need following items to build farmville 2 duck house.

  • Duck Ladders
farmville 2 cheats for duck ladders farmville 2 duck house
Scan: e_deco_horseshoegame_generic (Horseshoe Pit)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_ladder_duck
  • Duck Posts
farmville 2 cheats for duck posts farmville 2 duck house
Scan: e_deco_butterchurn_wood (Butter Churn)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_piling
  • Bags Of Moss
Farmville 2 cheats for bags of moss farmville 2 duck house
Scan: e_deco_wagonwheel_planted (Pioneer Wagon Wheel)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_bag_moss

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Duck Horn
farmville 2 cheats for duck horn farmville 2 duck house
Scan: e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (Pink flamingo) 
Change To: e_deco_duckstorage_minigame

Warning :- while using cheat engine you can lose your all progress and some time you get permanently ban.

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