
FarmVille 2 Cheat Code For Goat Nursery

FarmVille 2 Cheat Code For Goat Nursery

Hi Friends,

FarmVille 2 is going to release a new building FarmVille 2 Goat Nursery. In FarmVille 2 Goat Nursery, you can groom baby goats to produce more FarmVille 2 fertilizer or milk. Not only this you can develop the personality of FarmVille 2 goats. This sounds very interesting and we are sure every FarmVille 2 players is going to love it. We in fact wish FarmVille 2 studio to release more of such buildings for other FarmVille 2 animals Like They Did for Goats and Rabbits.
Making a Goat Nursery Complete

Scan : e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Wine Bottle Spread)
Change To: e_building_nursery_goat_l1
Removing a Goat Nursery Complete

Scan : e_removing_nursery_goat_l1
Change To: e_building_nursery_goat_l1

Removing a Goat Nursery which is under Construction

Scan : e_building_nursery_goat_construction_l1
Change To: e_building_nursery_remo_construction_l1

You will need following items to finish construction of FarmVille 2 Goat Nursery

Once you have all items, you will need 4 neighbors to complete FarmVille 2 Goat Nursery. Or if you are short of neighbors you can use following FarmVille 2 cheats codes to collect items require to finish FarmVille 2 Goat nursery.
  • Toy Goats
Scan : e_deco_axeinstump_generic (Chopping Block)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_toy_goat
  • Goat Bedding
Scan : e_rare_crafted_bag_strawberry (Craft strawberry Bag)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_goat_bedding
  • Yellow Paint
Scan : e_rare_crafted_bag_strawberry (Craft strawberry Bag)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_paint_yellow

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