
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Winter Cream Separator

Hello Friends, In next few days Zynga is going to release Farmville 2 Winter Cream Separator and Farmville 2 Alpine Party Quest in your farms.Click Here to know more about Farmville 2 Alpine Party Quest Farmville 2 Winter Cream Separator will remain active for three weeks only. Barbara needs your help making her Bûche de Crème Cake for her B&B! Help Barbara by crafting Winter Cream using regular Milk, and then separating it for a chance to find the Bûche de Crème Ingredients for her cake. Complete the Bûche de Crème Ingredients collection to earn the exclusive baby Rocky Mountain Goat! Following are details and Farmville 2 cheats to build Farmville 2 Winter Cream Separator.
If you are level 12 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the “Place Winter Cream Separator” button to get started.

Farmville 2 Cheat codes for Winter Cream Separator

Scan: - e_deco_bandstage_wood (Flex-Deck)
Change To: - e_building_input_milk

In order to get the Bûche de Crème Ingredients for Barbara’s cake, you will need to collect Winter Cream and then separate it. To see your Winter Cream count, click on the Winter Cream Separator to open the main menu. Your Winter Cream total is located on the left-hand side of this screen. The number at the bottom of the Winter Cream indicates how many you currently have in your Inventory.

Use following Farmville 2 cheats if you wish to remove under construction Farmville 2 winter cream separator

Scan: - e_building_input_milk_construction
Change To: - e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow

You will need below items to complete Farmville 2 Winter Cream Separator along with their Farmville 2 cheats.

Farmville 2 cheats for Copper Cream Cans

Scan: - e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green (Verdant Breath Kite)
Change To: - e_rare_buildable_input_milk_part1

Farmville 2 cheats for Walnut Boards

Scan: - e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green
Change To: - e_rare_buildable_input_milk_part2

Farmville 2 cheats for Shiny Screws

Scan: - e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green
Change To: - e_rare_buildable_input_milk_part3

Once your Farmville 2 Winter Cream Separator is ready you need to collect rare products using cream separator. Following are the cheat codes for these rare items of Farmville 2 winter cream separator.
Farmville 2 cheat for cultured Butter

Scan: - e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange_heirloom (craft heirloom orange cupcake)
Change To: - e_rare_animal_milk_collection_uncommon

Farmville 2 cheats for crème Fraiche

Scan: - e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow (Sky Blossom Kite)
Change To: - e_rare_animal_milk_collection_rare

Farmville 2 Cheat Codes For Whipping Cream

Scan: - e_rare_tree_general_apple_arkansasblack

Change To: - e_rare_animal_milk_collection_ultrarare

Farmville 2 cheats for ultra-rare milk collection will be updated shortly. If any of player have it, please share with other mates through comments.

 You can craft your very own Winter Cream via the Crafting Kitchen. From the Winter Cream Separator menu, click on the “Craft” button to open the Kitchen. you can use these Cheat Codes to make Winter Cream and other products.

Scan: - e_rare_tree_hickory_shellbark  
Change To: - e_rare_ingredient_ladle_cream

Scan: - e_rare_tree_plum_wild_heirloom 
Change To: - e_rare_crafted_emmental_winter

Scan: - e_rare_tree_plum_wild_heirloom 
Change To: - e_rare_crafted_spaetzle_winter

Scan: - e_rare_tree_plum_wild_heirloom 
Change To: - e_rare_animal_milk_wintercream

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