
FarmVille 2 Sheep Nursery Guide

The Sheep Nursery Feature is broken up into three consecutive development stages (quest sets) that you can complete at your own pace.

The Sheep Nursery is here! Use this building to train your baby Sheep to develop their personality and train them to produce extra resources!

If you are level 12 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the “Place Sheep Nursery” button to place the Nursery Frame on your farm.

FarmVille 2 Sheep Nursery Guide

Building the Sheep Nursery:
Before you can start raising your baby Sheep, you will need to build your Nursery. Your first step is collecting Building Materials. You will need the following items to start building your Sheep Nursery:

  • Sheep Bedding
  • Baby Sheep Toys
  • Shearing Baskets

To collect Sheep Bedding, click on the “Post” button to post to your Facebook wall; you will get the parts when your friends click on it, or when you click on a similar newsfeed post.

Click on the “Ask” button to send requests for Baby Sheep Toys and Shearing Baskets to your Neighbors. If you do not wish to wait for your friends, you can skip any of these tasks for Farm Bucks.

Once you have collected the required items, click on the “Start Building” button at the bottom of the construction menu.

Now that the Nursery is almost complete, you will need a little help from your Neighbors to finish the job. The Sheep Nursery requires four additional helpers, so click on the “Ask Friends” button to send some crew requests to your friends. When they accept, you will see the spots in the Build Menu begin to fill. If you do not wish to wait for your friends, click on the “Hire One” button to purchase helpers with Farm Bucks.

Using your Sheep Nursery (Development Quests):

Raising a baby Sheep requires love, affection, and special attention. That is why the Sheep Nursery is here to help you! The Nursery is broken up into three development stages (quest sets): Choose a Bonus, Choose a Personality, and Name Your Sheep. Each development stage (quest set) has three tasks that have to be completed. As you complete each development stage, you will unlock the next stage. In addition, the quest will differentiate depending on what Bonus and/or Personality you choose.

Once your Nursery is up, you will need to place one baby Sheep inside.

Note: You can train any baby Sheep on your farm or from the General Store in the Nursery, including the ones available for Coins. Click on the Sheep Nursery to open the Quest Menu.

Development Quest 1 – Choose a Bonus:

The first step is to select a Bonus for your baby Sheep. You can choose between a Fertilizer, a Wool (you will receive one extra Fertilizer or Wool every time you feed the Adult Sheep) and an Appetite Bonus (your Adult Sheep will be hungry in half the amount of time guaranteed). Note: You can only choose one Bonus per baby Sheep.

Once you have selected a Bonus, click on the green “Confirm” button to turn the page to the next Development Quest.

Click on the “Make It” button for the Recipe you wish to Craft and you will be sent to your Kitchen and/or Workshop. If you would like a quick tutorial on how to Craft, please visit our official guides: Crafting Kitchen and Crafting Workshop. Once you have completed and performed all three of the tasks, click on the turquoise “Complete & Share” button.

Development Quest 2 – Choose a Personality:

The next step is to pick a Personality for your baby Sheep. You can choose between Radiant, Relaxed, and Rebellious. The Personality you pick will determine how your baby Sheep will behave once it is an adult (e.g. animate). Note: You can only choose one Personality per baby Sheep.

Once you have selected a Personality, click on the green “Confirm” button to turn the page to the next Development Quest.

Click on the “Make it” button for the Recipe you wish to Craft and you will be sent to your Kitchen and/or Workshop. Once you have completed and performed all three of the tasks, click on the turquoise “Complete & Share” button.

Development Quest 3 – Name Your Sheep:

The final step is to name your baby Sheep. You can use up to 14 characters (with spaces). Note: You can only name your Sheep while in regular Screen mode (not in Full Screen mode).

Final Development Quest
Once you have chosen a name, click on the green “Confirm” button to turn the page to the final Development Quest. Click on the “Make it” button for the Recipe you wish to Craft and you will be sent to your Kitchen and/or Workshop. Once you have completed and performed all three of the tasks, click on the turquoise “Complete & Share” button.

Congratulations! You have trained your baby Sheep into an Adult that will produce an extra Fertilizer, Wool, or have an Appetite Bonus! Click your Sheep to move and place it on your farm.

The Flower Fences & the Romanesco Cauliflower Crop Packet:

For a limited time only, you can earn special Flower Fences! Get all four Sets to unlock an exclusive Romanesco Cauliflower Crop Packet! In order to earn these Fences and the Crop Packet, you must complete the tasks of the Development Quests to earn Sheep Medallions, regardless of their Bonus and/or Personality. As you complete a Development Quest task, you will earn two Sheep Medallions. A number will appear on the card (bottom right hand corner of the Sheep Nursery menu) to indicate how many Sheep Medallions you have earned and your progress towards the next goal.

In addition, you can view your progress in the Medallion Board. Click on the “See Progress” button to access the Board.

Once you have earned enough Sheep Medallions by completing the Development Quest tasks, you will unlock the Flower Fences. Click on the turquoise “Place and Share” button to share some rewards with friends!

Note: You have limited time to earn the Flower Fences and the Romanesco Cauliflower Crop Packet. If you do not collect all of the Sheep Medallions within the allotted time, the Flower Fences and the Romanesco Cauliflower Crop Packet will disappear, and you will be unable to claim them.

Additional Information:
  • You can only use baby Sheep with the Nursery.
  • You can re-use the Nursery to train as many Sheep as you would like.
  • If you do not wish to use the Sheep Nursery feature, it can be sold (frame only) or stored in your Inventory.
  • You are limited to three Sheep Nurseries per Farm. You can get one more Sheep Nursery for free, and one more Sheep Nursery for Farm Bucks from the General Store.

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