Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Sheep Nursery
Hey Friends,After Goat nursery and Rabbit Nursery, everyone is expecting nurseries for other animals. And now your wise are going to be true very soon Zynga is going to introduce Farmville 2 sheep nursery in out farms. Concept of Farmville 2 sheep nursery is all of same as of goat and rabbit nursery. You can train your sheep with different personalities and abilities in Farmville 2 sheep nursery. In Farmville 2 sheep nursery, sheep can be trainer with rambunctious, relaxed and rebellious personalities. And as always my personal favourite is rebellious personality. As far as abilities are concern, players can train these sheep for fertilizer, appetite or wool production.
If you
are level 12 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the “Place
Sheep Nursery” button to place the Nursery Frame on your farm.
are cheat codes for Farmville 2 sheep nursery and items required to complete
this building.
Making Sheep Nursery Complete
Scan: - e_deco_animated_lamppost (Country Lamppost)
Change To: - e_building_nursery_sheep
Removing Sheep Nursery Complete
Scan: - e_building_nursery_sheep
Change To: - e_removing_nursery_sheep
following Farmville 2 cheats if you wish to remove under construction Farmville
2 sheep nursery
Scan: - e_building_nursery_sheep_construction
Change To: - e_deco_animated_newyear_fwork1_purple
Scan: - e_building_nursery_sheep_construction_coin
Change To: - e_rare_crafted_glazed_carrots_purpledragon
you can start raising your baby Sheep, you will need to build your Nursery.
Your first step is collecting Building Materials. Players will need following
items to complete Farmville 2 sheep nursery
- Sheep Bedding

Scan: - e_rare_crafted_cake_blackberry_cream (Blackberry Cream cake)
Change To: -
- Baby Sheep Toys

Scan: - e_rare_crafted_cake_blackberry_cream (Blackberry Cream cake)
Change To: -
- Farmville 2 Cheat Codes for Shearing Baskets

Scan: - e_rare_crafted_cake_blackberry_cream (Blackberry Cream cake)
Change To: -
Farmville 2 Cheat Codes
for Flower Fences & the Romanesco Cauliflower Crop Packet
For a
limited time only, you can earn special Flower Fences! Get all four Sets to
unlock an exclusive Romanesco Cauliflower Crop Packet! In order to earn these
Fences and the Crop Packet, you must complete the tasks of the Development
Quests to earn Sheep Medallions, regardless of their Bonus and/or Personality.
As you complete a Development Quest task, you will earn two Sheep Medallions. A
number will appear on the card (bottom right hand corner of the Sheep Nursery
menu) to indicate how many Sheep Medallions you have earned and your progress
towards the next goal.
addition, you can view your progress in the Medallion Board. Click on the “See
Progress” button to access the Board.
Once you
have earned enough Sheep Medallions by completing the Development Quest tasks,
you will unlock the Flower Fences. Click on the turquoise “Place and Share”
button to share some rewards with friends!
- Medallion Board
Scan: e_rare_crafted_juice_carrot_purpledragon
Change To: e_deco_minigame_nursery_sheep_chalkboard
Note: You have limited time to earn
the Flower Fences and the Romanesco Cauliflower Crop Packet. If you do not
collect all of the Sheep Medallions within the allotted time, the Flower Fences
and the Romanesco Cauliflower Crop Packet will disappear, and you will be
unable to claim them.
- Romanesco Cauliflower Crop
Scan: e_rare_crafted_filling_apple (Apple Filling)
Change To: e_crop_cauliflower_romanesco
Change To: e_deco_fence_base_nursery_sheep_chrysanthemums- Orchid Fence
Scan: e_deco_animated_general_bucket_fountain (Bucket Fountain)
Change To: e_deco_fence_base_nursery_sheep_orchids
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