
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Dogs Are Here!

Finally! Puppies are gonna be right there in your farm. Yes, awaited for long & now it's almost here. Soon, your path will be open as an Early Unlock to get your puppies & a general release which will follow two weeks later. Marie, Walter, and Barbara are excited to adopt a puppy! How about you? We heard it & we know how excited you are to adopt your puppy. Be ready to say "hello" to Collie puppies! To adopt a puppy you need to prove you will be a great dog owner. You must complete the Puppy Adoption Race to pick your puppy. Prove yourself before the others and get first pick of the litter! In addition to the new puppy, you will also win a Kennel & as a reward, you can keep the kennel as a dog house! Let's go!

Puppy Adoption Race! 

To get started, click the kennel to view the Puppy Adoption Race! Like the most other quests in FV2, Puppy Adoption Race is also based on completing the tasks provided for you. You'll be rewarded with Puppy Points for completing tasks & these points take you towards a puppy and helps you to prove, you will be a great dog owner! You must work hard to finish the Puppy Adoption Race. As far as the information gathered by our team, you need to earn 1000 Points to adopt a Puppy. Finish in first place to get first pick of puppies which means, beat Marie, Walter, and Barbara, or they will pick their puppies before you. Moreover, consider this a bonus! You can also win a Dog Bed & Dog Jumps. Your puppy will love laying around on this dog bed & they love jumping over the Dog Jumps as well. Collies increase animal output for free, forever. Collies love to herd animals to make them more productive. You can also Feed and Super Feed adult animals for chances to herd! Feed your puppy bottles to help them grow & watch them play and learn to herd! The adult Collie will also boost animal output. By the way, the puppies which are picked by Marie, Walter, and Barbara will no longer be available for you, so you must Hurry Up! 
At the same time you will have chances 
  • when Walter runs out of power or he goes for fishing 
  • when Barb and Walt get slammed with tourists at the B&B and can't craft 
  • when Marie's been sidetracked looking for lost animals or she goes to feed her animals 

These are your your chances to pull ahead! Keep gaining on them & see if you can catch up & earn more points quickly!

Of course if you have dogs there’s also a DOG HOUSE deco for them. Here are some example of these dog houses

Here’s how you can adopt a Collie Puppy: 
  • Complete the Puppy Adoption Race! 
  • Finish first to get Pick of the Litter! 
  • Get bonus output from your animals!

Benefits of having a Puppy: 
  • Collies increase animal output for free. 
Your Collie Dog can also play with these new decorations

Dog Bed

Early Access As you know, most of the important releases in FV2 comes with an Early Access option where you've to pay to get the features unlocked before others. No exception for this release, it's also having an early access which will reward you with 50 Puppy Points & this bonus points will give you the lead for sure. Not only the bonus points, but also a Premium Doghouse.

Farmville 2 Collecting Items Cheat Codes

Farmville 2 Cheat Codes For Puppy Training Manuals

Scan: e_rare_crafted_porridge_hackberry_northern_heirloom (Heirloom Northern Hackberry Porridge)
Change To: e_viral_hero_dog_herding_collie_puppytrainingmanual

Farmville 2 Cheat Codes For Puppy Training Pad

Scan: e_rare_crafted_cake_fruit_passion_apple_heirloom (Heirloom Apple and Passion Fruit Crumble)
Change To: e_viral_hero_dog_herding_collie_puppytrainingpad

Farmville 2 Cheat Codes For Puppy Dog Tags

Scan: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange_heirloom (Heirloom Orange Cupcake)
Change To: e_viral_hero_dog_herding_collie_dogtag

Farmville 2 Cheat Codes For Deco Herding Dog House

Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green (Verdant Breath Kite)
Change To: e_deco_building_hero_dog_collie_kennel

Farmville 2 Cheat Codes For Herding Dog House

Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green (Verdant Breath Kite)
Change To: e_building_hero_dog_collie_kennel

Farmville 2 Cheat Codes For Deco Collie Dog House

Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_red 
Change To: e_deco_building_hero_dog_collie

Farmville 2 Cheat Codes For Collie Dog House

Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_red 
Change To: e_building_hero_dog_collie

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