
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Carving Corner

We had enough of the winter chills! Are you ready for spring? Maybe if we start decorating for spring, it'll arrive a little earlier! Let's carve ostrich eggs for my B&B! You can get a baby White Mulranny Irish Goat in return as reward. Carved eggs are so lovely! You will have a wonderful job with them. Place your Carving Corner around your B&B for all your guests to admire.

Feed adult ostriches to get Colored Eggs. Carve intricate designs into those Colored Eggs.
Construction: You need 10 Egg Holders, 10 Bucket of Primers & 10 Carving Chisels to finish the construction of your Carving Corner. Don't be shy about asking your friends for help to get the parts to Build faster! You may also collect these items using the help of your farm-family members. After collecting all these items, you will need 4 of your friends as construction crew members (Ostrich Egg-spert, Captain Carver, Old Hand McSteady & Shell Shaman.).
Carving Corner
Hint: The more adult ostriches on your farm, the better your chances of collecting all the Carved Eggs! You can make Colored Eggs in the Workshop using Ostrich Eggs and Hardening Lacquer from your friends!

Carved Eggs 
  • Carved Daisy Egg 
Flowers make everything look pretty! Even eggs are lovely with daisies carved into them. 
  • Carved Fish Egg 
Fish carved onto eggs make for the most beautiful carved eggs yet.
  • Carved Butterfly Egg 
Butterflies - by far the most flutter-ing designs to carve onto eggs!

Cheat Code For Under construction Carving Corner
Scan: e_rare_crafted_lemon_meringue_filling (Lemon Meringue Filling)
Change To: e_building_input_ostrich_construction
Removing a Carving Corner which is under Construction
Scan: e_building_input_ostrich_construction
Change To: e_removing_input_ostrich_construction

Cheat Code For Carving Corner Complete
Scan: e_deco_axeinstump_generic
Change To: e_building_input_ostrich

Removing a Carving Corner placed in your Farm Complete
Scan: e_building_input_ostrich
Change To: e_removing_input_ostrich

Carving Corner : Building Materials
Build your Carving Corner
  • Egg Holder

Egg Holders
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cake_blackberry_cream (Blackberry Cream Cake)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_input_ostrich_part1

  • Bucket of Primer

Bucket of Primer
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cake_blackberry_cream (Blackberry Cream Cake)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_input_ostrich_part1

  • Carving Chisel

Carving Chisels
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cake_blackberry_cream (Blackberry Cream Cake)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_input_ostrich_part1

Carving Corner : Colored Egg
  • Colored Egg

Colored Egg
Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow (Sky Blossom Kite)
Change To: e_rare_animal_input_ostrich_ticket

Carving Corner : Carved Eggs
  • Carved Daisy Egg

Carved Daisy Eggs
Scan: e_rare_crafted_salad_orange_watercress_heirloom (Heirloom Watercress and Orange Salad)
Change To: e_rare_animal_input_ostrich_collection_uncommon

  • Carved Fish Egg

Carved Fish Egg
Scan: e_rare_crafted_lemonade_strawberry_heirloom (Heirloom Strawberry Lemonade)
Change To: e_rare_animal_input_ostrich_collection_rare

  • Carved Butterfly Egg

Carved Butterfly Egg
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cake_fruit_passion_apple_heirloom (Heirloom Apple and Passion Fruit Crumble)
Change To: e_rare_animal_input_ostrich_collection_ultrarare

Carving Corner : Ingredients
  • Colored Egg (Ingredient)
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_apple_orange_heirloom (Heirloom Orange Apple Cupcake)
Change To: e_rare_ingredient_input_ostrich_eggs_painted

  • Hardening Lacquer
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cookies_shortbread_lavender_ginger (Lavender-Ginger Cookies)
Change To: e_rare_ingredient_input_ostrich_lacquer_hardening

Birds, Bees and the B&B : Quest Materials
  • Glass Planter

Scan: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange (Orange Cupcake)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_input_ostrich_1

  • Floral Curtain

Scan: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange (Orange Cupcake)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_input_ostrich_2

  • Springtime Potpourri

Scan: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange (Orange Cupcake)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_input_ostrich_3

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