
Farmville 2 River Expansion! Guide

The rainy season has caused the waters of the Appaloosa River to rise. Luckily, this has created the perfect place to plant new and exciting crops!
Appaloosa River Expansion - FarmVille 2
If you are level 15 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the “Let’s go” button to get started.

Appaloosa River Expansion - FarmVille 2
When you first arrive at the River, you’ll notice that things are a bit overgrown. Give yourself extra room to farm by clearing the riverbank and surrounding areas! Additional land will become available as you level up. 

Which Plots Can I Unlock? 

You can unlock the bottom two expansions on the River, which are located on the right hand side of your game board. To see what level you need to be in order to access land, hover your mouse over the plot. Eventually, you will be able to expand your farm to the entirety of the River bank.
Appaloosa River Expansion - FarmVille 2
River Expansion Check-off List: 
Before you get your rubber boots on, you’ll need to check off a couple of things to ensure that you’re prepped for anything that the mighty River may offer: 
  • Level 15 or Higher – Farming on the River is no easy task, so our greener Farmers will need to improve their farming skills and prep before they get their feet wet. 
  • Camarillo Country Expansion – Since it’s not safe (or fun) to cross through overgrown grass, you’ll need unlock the Camarillo Country Expansion to access the River. Not to worry though! Once you complete the Expansion tasks, the wild and friendly goats will help you clear the space! 
If you are level 15 or higher and have the Camarillo Country Expansion, click on the plot to get started.

Expanding Your Farm to the River: You can tell if a plot is available to expand on because you will see a sign pop up in the plot that looks like this:
Appaloosa River Expansion - FarmVille 2
When you click on a plot to expand it, you will see a popup. In this popup, you will see a list of requirements you need to meet before you’re able to unlock a plot, like this:
Appaloosa River Expansion - FarmVille 2
Clearable Objects: When you expand, there may be items on your new land that you do not want. Rocks and Debris need to be cleared away before you can use the space they are currently occupying. 

How Do I Clear Something From a New Plot? Clearing large objects isn’t easy—you’re going to need some help! To get started, click on the object you want to clear away. Once you do that, you will see a popup telling you what you need to do in order to clear the object:
Appaloosa River Expansion - FarmVille 2

This popup lets you know a few things: 
  • What you need to do to clear the object 
  • How many tools or people you need to help you 
  • What you will get once you clear the object away 
In a hurry to clear an object and don’t want to wait for help from Neighbors? You can purchase the materials you need and hire help using Farm Bucks.

Clearing requires you to complete two steps: one to gather materials you’ll need to tackle the job, and another to hire the crew needed to complete the task. 
Gathering Materials 
  • Gather the tools you need to clear debris away by asking your friends to send some your way. 
  • You can do this by clicking the “Ask” button in the popup window. A message will be sent from you to your friends (you can choose which friends get this message), asking your friends to send you the tools that you need. 
  • Don’t have time to wait? You can buy the tools you need with Farm Bucks. 
Hiring a Crew
Once you have your Building Materials, you’ll get a second popup:
Appaloosa River Expansion - FarmVille 2
  • To complete this step, click the “Ask Friends” button to send a request to your friends for help. 
  • If they accept your request, they will fill one of the open positions, and you will see their Facebook profile picture next to one of the positions you needed to fill. 
  • Don’t have time to wait on a crew of volunteers? You can also hire a crew by paying Farm Bucks for each position you need filled. 
Once you have successfully filled all four spots, the “Finish Clearing” button in the popup will turn turquoise (see image below), meaning that you’re ready to go! Click on it to finish clearing the object away.

Rewards for Clearing an Object 
As you clear objects from the River, you’ll receive great rewards! The rewards vary depending on what the object you’re clearing away is made of (for example, clearing a rock gets you Chunks of Clay and Fertilizer, while clearing a piece of wood debris gets you wood planks.) After your crew is finished clearing an object, you will see a nice pile of rewards where the object used to be. Hover your mouse over them to scoop them up and into your Inventory, or just wait and they will be collected for you automatically. 

Expansion Requirements (Detailed): For each Expansion, there are a few requirements you need to meet in order to be able to uncover the land. Most Expansions require you to reach a certain level in the game and have a certain amount of coins and items in your Inventory in order to gain access. If you would like to view a list of the land Expansions that are available, check out our official guide: Expansion Guide. 

20 – Appaloosa River – Unlocks when you expand Camarillo Country and reach level 15!

  • Craft 8 Cheddar Loaves
  • Gather 18 Boater Hats
  • 3,00,000 Coins To Clear The Land
 Unlocks: Crop Dryer – If you would like a quick tutorial on how to use the Crop Dryer, check out the official feature guide: Crop Dryer. 

21 – Buffalo Brook 
  • Reach Level 15 
  • Expand to adjacent land 
  • Prove Your Farm Skills: Craft 8 Cheddar Loaves 
  • Gather Boater Hats: Get 18 Boater Hats from your friends 7
  • 50,000 Coins to Clear Land 
Unlocks: Baby Black Water Buffalo

22 – The Riverside
  • Craft 5 Good Fortune Charms 
  • Collect 14 Heavy Water Boots 
  • Costs 1,000,000 Coins to Clear Land
23 – The Far Shore
  • Craft 5 Duck Picture Frames 
  • Collect 17 River Guide Books 
  • Costs 2,750,000 Coins to Clear Land
24 – The Further Shore
  • Craft 15 Watercress Potato Salads 
  • Collect 20 Water Expansion Permits 
  • Costs 4,500,000 Coins to Clear Land

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