
Farmville 2 Dessert Oven Guide

Hello Friends! It's getting really hot in the farm? We need to find a way to cool off. We should make some cold desserts with double cream from the mini cows. Spin some dairy magic and you can get a baby Grey Southern River Otter in return as reward! Your desserts will help everybody in the farm to get through the hot days!Feed adult mini cows to get the Double Cream. Once you find a Double Cream, use it in your Dessert Oven to whip up delicious desserts with those Double Creams. Find all the Double Cream you can, for the Dessert Oven & share some with friends too!

Story: I Scream for Double Cream! Feed adult mini cows to get Double Cream! Whip up delicious desserts with Double Cream! 

The more adult mini cows on your farm, the better your chances of collecting all the Desserts! Get Cream on the Double! 

It's time to switch off the oven. Walter has all the cold desserts he needs. The more adult mini cows you have, the faster you will find Double Cream.
Construction: You need

  • 10 Oven Doors, 
  • 10 Oven Mitts & 
  • 10 Wooden Dessert Bowls
to finish the construction of your Dessert Oven. Don't be shy about asking your friends for help to get the parts to Build faster! You may also collect these items using the help of your farm-family members.
 After collecting all these items, you will need 4 of your friends as construction crew members (Ice Cold Chiller, Baking Baron, Dr Dessert & Cool Conductor).
Hint: The more adult mini cows on your farm, the better your chances of collecting all the Desserts & the faster you will find Double Cream. You can also make Double Cream in the Workshop using Clotted Cream and Wooden Whisks from your friends! Super Feed mini cows to make them produce more Double Cream!
The goal of the Farmville 2 Dessert Oven is to collect Double Cream from any of the following three dessert:
Dessert Oven : Double Cream
Dessert Oven : Whip Ups
  • Gelato - Give 1 Point

  •  Creme Caramel - Give 2 Point

  • Panna Cotta - Give 3 Point
Dessert Oven : Ingredient
  • Wooden Whisk
Dessert Oven : Rewards
  • Baby Grey Southern River Otter
The adult mini cows in your farm the better chance of getting DOUBLE CREAMS.

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