
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For 'Splash Station' Craft Week 3

Hello Friends,
I hope you have lots of rewards in Farmville 2 Splash Station with the hwlp of our Cheat codes now first two weeks are gone and task is in his last week and you have last week to win the Carabao Water Buffalo. We have already posted the cheat code for Splash Station Building, Decoration, Ingredients, Week 1 and Week 2 and now we are going to post the cheat codes for week 3 Crafting items.

Snack Pack
Scan: e_rare_crafted_smoothie_coconut_mango_heirloom (Heirloom Coconut Smoothie)
Change To: e_rare_crafted_cd_innertubing_week3_pack_snack

Thermal Towel
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cookies_shortbread_lavender_ginger (Lavender-Ginger Cookies)
Change To: e_rare_crafted_cd_innertubing_week3_towel_thermal

Bug Repellent
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cookies_shortbread_lavender_ginger (Lavender-Ginger Cookies)
Change To: e_rare_crafted_cd_innertubing_week3_repellant_bug

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