
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Almost Farm-ous : Quest Materials

Hello Friends,

A well known reporter will visit your farm in Farmville 2 Almost Farm-ous Quests. You will need to prepare your farm as Lauren, a reporter from InSoil Weekly magazine is planning to feature it in this week issue. You are going to need your friends help to prepare and together with Marie you will be working with this 8 stage Farmville 2 Quests that will be released on Tuesday (May 19th).

Just a reminder that some part of the quests or tasks will require more and will depend with your  level and the number of neighbors you have. Also save and reserve the energy of you family members prior to the quest release.

However We are Providing You Some Cheat Code For the Material We need To ask to friends or post on wall.
Leafy Turtle Treat
Scan: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange_heirloom (Heirloom Orange Cupcake)
Change To: e_viral_wandering_turtle_capture_quest

Pair of Cowgirl Boots
Scan: e_rare_crafted_yogurt_strawberry (Strawberry Yogurt)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_wandering_turtle_1

Fountain Pen
Scan: e_rare_crafted_yogurt_strawberry (Strawberry Yogurt)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_wandering_turtle_2

Cowgirl Hat

Scan: e_rare_crafted_yogurt_strawberry (Strawberry Yogurt)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_wandering_turtle_3

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