
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Antique Chest

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Antique Chest

Hello Friends,

Farmville 2 Antique Chest is a new feature. This feature give some rewards when you open the chest.Collect parts and crew to open the Antique Chest before time runs out! In this new feature 'Farmville 2 Antique Chest' you must unlock the chest for rewards. This feature lasts for one (1) week. The players ONLY need to gather materials needed to open the chest, there are no missions or quests involved in this feature.Cornelius will pop up in a window once you have logged onto your farm and say " You've found a locked antique chest! Open it with some friends and Cornelius will give you a great reward, but only this week!"
Antique Chest

You will get an Antique Chest with every expansions, each contains mystery gifts for you! Open it to get your gifts.

Scan: e_deco_animated_lamppost (Country Lamppost)
Change To: e_building_antique_chest

Remove an Antique Chest

Scan: e_building_antique_chest
Change To: e_removing_antique_chest

Remove An Under Construction Antique Chest

Scan: e_building_antique_chest_construction
Change To: e_removing_antique_chest_construction

Antique Chest: Required Material

Lock Pick

Scan: e_rare_crafted_pinwheels_walnut_heirloom (Heirloom Walnut Pinwheel)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_antique_chest_lock_pick


Scan: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange_heirloom (Heirloom Orange Cupcake)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_antique_chest_crowbar


Scan: e_rare_crafted_lemon_meringue_filling (Lemon Meringue Filling)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_antique_chest_chisel

(Every time you will Get different Reward When You Open The Chest)

Baby Black Clydesdale 

Scan: e_deco_animated_random_hitchingpost (Hitching Post)
Change To: e_animal_baby_horse_clydesdaleblack


  1. e_deco_animated_newyear_fwork1_turquoise

    works for lock picks as well

    use the money hack

  2. How do you use the cheat for Remove an Antique Chest
