
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Labradors Are Here!

Hello Friends,
Labradors Are Here! So Be ready to say hello to Labrador puppies! How Cute! Aren't they? Similar to Collies, Labradors also have an adoption race. Gus, Cornelius and Barbara are all ready to adopt one, are you? Last time that race worked great, lets have another! There are four different Labradors for you to choose from. Finish first to get first pick of the litter! These puppies are so cute, are you excited to get one?

You can get the early access By paying $8 or You can use these cheat codes for early access. So use these cheat and enjoy.
Hint: Make sure you finish ahead of Gus, Cornelius and Barbara to pick a Puppy you wish, otherwise your options will get reduced according to the position where you finish. The puppies which are chosen by others who finish before you, will no longer be available for you.

*Zynga will donate 100% of its share of the purchase price, up to $100,000 to the ASPCA. Purchases are not tax deductible. Some restrictions apply.

Early Access Token

Scan: e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Wine Bottle Spread)
Change To: e_token_hero_dog_lab_early

Puppy Point For Labrador
Scan: e_deco_axeinstump_generic (Chopping Block)
Change To: e_rare_point_hero_dog_lab

Must Collect in Total Number Puppy Point
Make sure to cheat this item as much as the total number you need, instead the number needed to reach the par / threshold. Click here for more info!

Labrador Dog House Under Construction

Scan: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange_heirloom (Heirloom Orange Cupcake)
Change To: e_building_hero_dog_lab_kennel_onboard
Removing a Labrador Dog House Under Construction

Scan: e_building_hero_dog_lab_kennel_onboard
Change To: e_removing_hero_dog_lab_kennel_onboard

Removing a Labrador Dog House Complete

Scan: e_building_hero_dog_lab_kennel_onboard
Change To: e_removing_hero_dog_lab_kennel_onboard
Scan: e_deco_animated_flag_expansion (Horsewilds Flag)
Change To: e_building_hero_dog_lab_kennel


  • Milestone 1 (125 Points)
Scan: e_rare_crafted_salad_orange_watercress_heirloom
Change To: e_resource_hero_dog_lab_milestone_reward_pack_1

  • Milestone 2 (375 Points)
Scan: e_rare_crafted_salad_orange_watercress_heirloom
Change To: e_resource_hero_dog_lab_milestone_reward_pack_2

  • Milestone 3 (640 Points)
Scan: e_rare_crafted_salad_orange_watercress_heirloom
Change To: e_resource_hero_dog_lab_milestone_reward_pack_3

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