
Farmville 2 Labradors Are Here! Preview

Hello Friends,
SO Here is Another Surprise for you From Farmville 2.Labradors Are Here. Now You Can Adopt a Labrador Puppy! Get bonus prize crops! Beat Gus, Cornelius, and Barbara, or they will pick their puppies before you! 

I think Barbara is making a move! Think you can maintain your lead? Barb's on the move! Barbara ran out of power today! See if you can catch up! 

Cornelius and Barbara got slammed with tourists at the B&B today and can't craft! Gus forgot to feed her animals! Time to pull ahead! 

Gus's been sidetracked looking for lost animals. Now is your chance to pull ahead!

*Zynga will donate 100% of its share of the purchase price, up to $100,000 to the ASPCA. Purchases are not tax deductible. Some restrictions apply.
Puppy Point Collect Puppy Points To Win Rewards
Black Labrador
Chocolate Labrador 
White Labrador
 Yellow Labrador
The doghouse for Labradors!
  • Labrador Puppy House

  • Labrador Puppy House
  • Labrador Dog House
  • Labrador Dog House
  • Resource Pack
Bonus Rewards


  1. How I feel about another puppy race28 May 2015 at 09:12:00 GMT+5:30

    New Farmville short:
    My farmer stands on the road.
    Gus comes running, waving his hand wildly. Says, Hi!
    I turn around to face him, see new dog house.
    I say, Would you care to explain that?
    Gus says, Yes, I put it there for your new labrador.
    I ask, My new lab... Say what?
    Gus: There will be another puppy race. Madam mayor, Bar, and Wally are all in. Winner gets pick of the litter.
    Four lab puppies come running, each a different color.
    Me: Oh Maisie, can you get my iron?
    Maisie comes running with my rifle and hands it to me, along with a few boxes of ammo.
    I put the puppies out of their misery, while behind me Madam mayor, Bar, and Wally enter the scene. They see the bloodbath, fall to their knees and start weeping over the cadavers. I put them out of their misery.
    Howling sirens. Sheriff steps out of the car. Says, I heard some shooting, I'm here to investi... What the!?
    Me: Yes well, these four tried to force another dog upon me. It would ruin my farm all over again.
    Sheriff: Oh yes, Gus tried that with me. I actually kept him locked up in my jailhouse for three days. I have my trusty collie, what was Gus thinking? Well, better hide the evidence. Hope no one else heard, what with the strict gun control we have in this state...
    Me (yelling): Cletus, Buelah, get a shovel. Start digging!
    Buelah: Can I use the golden shovel?
    Cletus: But I haven't started my digger training yet.
    Me: You're gonna start now. Buelah, you can use the golden shovel.
    Sheriff: So, we'll be needing a new Mayor. You interested?
    Me: No, you go for it. I'm gonna take Maisie and the kids upstate and run for governor. Legalize those firearms.
