
Farmville 2 Out Of The Shadows Quest Guide

Hello Friends,
A New Farmville 2 Quest is coming up with Puppet Show Stage. Help Gus in entertaining his little guest in Farmville 2 Out Of The Shadows Quests. Gus is holding a Puppet Show for the kids in this week Farmville 2 Quests and he will need help to organize it. This is the right time for Gus to show his shadowgraphy skills but before anything else we will need to build a stage.

Note: Flask in making Pink Pig Toys so collect them early. We will also need Piece Of Glass for the Votive Candles and don’t forget to dry some Papyrus for the Candytuft Paper. The Quests will be available on Tuesday (July 7th).
Hey {user}! The puppet show seems to be shaping up well! Looks like it! 

It would be nice if we could continue to entertain our little guests after the show. 

OK! You've twisted my arm. I'll demonstrate my shadowgraphy skills, though I'm a bit rusty. 

Shadow what?! 

Release Date: 07/07/2015

1/8: It's Staged!
First things first. We'll need a stage. The Puppet Show Stage should do fine!

  • Place a Puppet Show Stage. If you don't have one, check your inventory.
  • Water 15 Candytuft. This crop is available for a limited time.
  • Feed 3 Adult Chicken. Use Super Feed to feed animals more quickly.
2/8: Light Reading
Some instructions on shadowgraphy sure would help!

  • Collect 5 Shadowgraphy Manual for Gus. Ask your friends to send one.
  • Feed 2 Adult Cow. Use Super Feed to feed animals more quickly.
  • Make 2 Candytuft Paper. Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
3/8: Come One, Come All!
Quickly invite your neighbors, because we got some tidying up to do pre-show.
  • Perform 10 helpful actions on Neighbor farms. Click a friend in the Neighbor Bar to visit their Farm.
  • Feed 3 Adult Donkey. Use Super Feed to feed animals more quickly.
  • Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Pearl Diving job. Make sure to make meals for your family at your Picnic Table.
4/8: A Bright Thought
Let's ask around for spotlights. We can't have a show without one.
  • Collect 5 Spotlight. Ask your friends to send one.
  • Harvest 20 Corn. Buy this crop in the General Store.
  • Make 3 Conrbread. Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
5/8: Candle In The Wind
We should setup candles all around the seating area. It's going to be brilliant!
  • Tend your Pig Pen 2 times. If you don't have one, check your inventory.
  • Feed 4 Adult Pig. Use Super Feed to feed animals more quickly.
  • Make 3 Votive Candle. Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.
6/8: The Sweet Point
If I could get my hands on some cranberry muffins, I'd be pleased as Punch.
  • Tend your Chicken Coop 2 times. If you don't have one, check your inventory.
  • Harvest 3 Pine Tree. Buy this tree in the General Store.
  • Make 3 Cranberry Muffin for Gus. Craft this in your Crafting Kitchen.
7/8: Screen Right
With a projection screen, we should be all set for the show!
  • Collect 5 Projection Screen. Ask your friends to send one.
  • Harvest 2 Heirloom Lemon Tree. Use shears to prune trees into heirloom trees.
  • Go Fishing 5 times. You can fish from your Fishing Boat.
8/8: Toys For All
Let's put a big smile on the kids' faces, by giving them toys after the show!
  • Tend your Sheep Shack 2 times. If you don't have one, check your inventory.
  • Harvest 30 Onion. Buy this crop in the General Store.
  • Make 3 Pink Pig Toy, as gifts for the kids. Craft this in your Crafting Workshop.

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