Hello Friends,

Farmville 2 is coming with new feature called River Gem Workshop. You've to Collect River Gems and extract them into Topaz, Aquamarine or Peridot But in order to collect river gems, you will need to have at least 5 adult turtles. Feeding them will give you a chance to get river gems. Once you collected the required amount of gems, you will receive a Baby Chocolate Ryeland Sheep.
Hello, {user}! I just saw your turtles digging up some precious river gems!
I'd love to make the gems into some beautiful jewelry. Would you help me collect them?
You're such a dear! I'll give you this baby sheep for your help!
I'm on it! Look at this beautiful jewelry I prepared, {user}!
It was all thanks to the gemstones you got for me! As special thanks, this baby sheep is all yours!
Release Date: 25/08/2015
When you enter into the game, you will be asked to place the River Gem Workshop.
Barbara will then visit your farm to explain the River Gem Workshop.

After Barbara leaves, you will see the materials you will need to collect to build the River Gem Workshop.
Gather the following parts with the help from your friends to build the River Gem Workshop:
Once you have collected the materials, you can now finish the River Gem Workshop.
You will need atleast 5 adult turtles to make the River Gem Workshop to work. Everytime you feed an adult turtle, you will have a chance to get a RIVER GEM.
- River Gem
You will then use the river gem in the Rive Gem Workshop so that you can find either:
- Sifting Rake
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