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Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 19.1 Hack (2019)

Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 19.1 Hack (2019) (Please Leave A Massage If Not Working) Hello Friends,  Today's new update Fv2-Xs...


Farmville 2 Cheat Code For State Fair Points New

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For State Fair Points New

Hello Friends,

-1 = 20 000 000 000 points So if you see any one with -1 so you the amount more then this to become number 1 But there is no end to this Even some time you will face restart your game from level 1 or ban for some days or months. If you did any mistake while using the cheat So be Careful if you are using to much amount.

Lots of Farmers are asking us for the cheat code for state fair points and country fair points. The Previous Cheat we have shared is patched by Zynga and now we are sharing new cheats to increase your points at the State Fair Or Country Fair. We are trying our best to provide you all the cheat to help you. From last few weeks we are working on the new cheat code for the State Fair Points And Country Fair Points And now we are going to share the cheat code for the State Fair And Country fair Points. This is best we can do, we have provided step by step detail in this post to make it easier to understand. Enjoy.

Note: Please store your Water Fields in your inventory Some time Water fields are disappear from farm after using this cheat Be careful.

Select Your Game Process For Maxthon Maxthon.exe  (accoring to your browser)
 Now Select Value Type: Double
 Select Scan Type: Value Between
 After Selecting You will have Two bars to fill the value
 Fill The Value 36 in both the bars and start New Scan (36 For the Green Beans. We have posted a picture of the state points we get from all the crops at the end of the post)
 Select All And press Red Arrow

 Now Change The Value Of all 36 to 150000
 You can see That our Score is 0 and Ranking No. 8
 Now Harvest All The Fertilized Green Beans until you get prized Crop. One prized crop will give 150000 Fair Points.
 When you get the prized crop you can check your Score.
 Now we are ranked as no. 1
 Now Refresh the game to confirm its working or not
 Now you can see the score
Here in this picture you can check the State Fair or Country Fair Points We get from all type of crops
Note: Please store your Water Fields in your inventory Some time Water fields are disappear from farm after using this cheat Be careful.

Thanks A Lot 
Please Share If You Face Any Problem.


  1. yeah i already know about this cheat but there is a side effect for this cheat :D too like vanished water fields super feed mill and much more but it will vanish one these items at a time

    1. @koharianz Not always but some time that's we have mentioned above about that

  2. @Aj Style whatever we do if we move them in the inventory it gets vanished i have a solution for them after using this cheat the water fields will get vanished and when you go back to upgraded it will show you 11/11 means u have the water fields u cant buy more but then u have to do this

    Scan: e_building_waterfield_craftsman_l5
    Change To: e_rare_crafted_blueberry_marmalade

    Visit A Neighbour And Come Back They Will Disappear from the upgraded to 0/11

    after that use this to get back the water fields

    Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow (Sky Blossom Kite)
    Change To: e_building_waterfield_craftsman_l5


    1. @Kohatianz Thanks A lot For sharing your precious Advice with us.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's working fine Please try again and follow the steps @Natalie

    4. I tried and did exaclty it didn't work for me either.

    5. We have tested it right now and working fine please check you are using the right points for the crop and harvesting the same crop after applying the cheat code

    6. After using the cheat, now I have 66/55 water plot, how to remove the extra water plot (Should be 11x5 water plot), is missing on my farm, any code for water plot? So that I can overwrite it with decoration.

    7. Put it in your inventory or reverse the code to remove but remember that all the plots will be removed you can not remove 11 plots and you have to get back via using cheat codes

    8. I have done that, but the 11 water plot is now on my land but is invisible, I can't do anything to remove it, it caused my land plot and decoration not at the proper alignment. If there is a code for it (water plot) perhaps I can remove it by changing it to decoration item.

    9. Change it to decoration and move to inventory and sell it

    10. use this Cheat this is working right now


      visit Marie, return, refresh


      visit Marie, return, refresh

    11. it works fine for me ...and i lowered it to just 5000 instead of 150000 so i dont get millions of points since i have the 10x shovel

  3. @aj style im here to ask you can you provide a cheat for multiple harvest of every thing like animals trees and corps ? i tired but its not working can you provide that one ? it will be great thanks

    1. @Kohatianz there no cheat code available to harvest everything till now when it will be available we will inform you

  4. @admin & @Aj Style both you know about the new cheat for state fair which is making auto state fair points whatever we do we are not able to beat the first three users in the state fair ... even thu we have more state fair points from them and im number one position but after few seconds im on number four and they are on the top three lists. i hope to get a position reply from

    1. @kohatianz well everyone using cheat Code to win the state fair. So you can't win unless you give full attention 1st. of all remove farmer from your friend list who are using -1 cheat. and 2nd try to use the cheat when your prized items taken to country or State Fair. check the clock time and use cheat couple of minute before. This trick Work most of the time.

  5. @admin thanks for your reply but the people we are getting in the state fair are not our friends and also i do as you said i do apply this cheat right before few mins but this is the second week im using i cant beat the first top three players i mean to say for exp: i have points like 156700 they automatic get 156750 points automatic this is not possible to beat up i dont know what they are using because they have only few more points then mine i hope you understand what i mean

    1. i think they use it at the last minute @kohatianz. however we try to find more ways to win fare. Till then keep trying :)

    2. -1 = 20 000 000 000 points So if you see any one with -1 so you the amount more then this to become number 1 But there is no end to this Even some time you will face restart your game from level 1 or ban for some days or months. If you did any mistake while using the cheat So be Careful if you are using to much amount.

  6. I tried this and it worked but my kitchen, wooly & fur trough, and duck house are missing. Please HELP :) Thank you in advance.

    1. Use the cheat code to get them back

    2. Use which cheat code to get them back?

    3. Find on this site . Search wool and fur trough to find it

    4. After the cheat, my farm plot and fence is out of alignment, duck house missing, water plot missing, few mastery sign missing and bountiful bayou air boat missing. Is it going to back to normal after the fair?

    5. use the cheats to get tthem back

    6. patato,s if used with fair cheat removes animal barn

    7. patato,s when used with cheat removes animal barn if this message comes out 2 times sorry page not working well on my laptop

  7. @admin can you post cheat code for kitchen because im failed to find it out

    1. @kohatianz Cheat is posted please check

    2. hi,after useing this code my picnic table is gon,is there a code to get it back

    3. Thanks for the very importent answer,i now know where i stand.

  8. Replies
    1. hi marc,typ in 20 000 000 000 at change value

  9. How can i do -1 points in state fair?

  10. hello.. how i can what maxthon.exe to choise when i open cheat engine? in my chrome i know.. tools=task manager=then i change with calc.thank you

    1. Use the 3rd or 4th maxthon extension in cheat engine.

  11. Can you tell me how to get upgrades for groves and fields levels 2-5 above the limits imposed by ztgna? Several of my neughbors have groves planted at level 5 above 100.

    1. use search option to find the related post and use

  12. And is it possible to use the trainers to get the upgrades and not the cheat engines

    1. yes you can use the AOB (Arrey Of Bytes) Option.

  13. in my farmville dont have green beans help me

  14. Thanks for the cheat..
    would like to know that if instead of 150000 we use more zeros' will that increase the points received or is it the same

  15. The negative 1 point, just killed the game for everyone -


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