
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Abondance Cow

Abondance Cow

Hello Friends,
Farmville 2 Baby Abondance Cow is available in General Store For 30 Farm Bucks. It will need 6 bottles to be adult and give you 21 XP. Adult Abondance Cow cost you 43 Farm Bucks. it will need 8 Feeds after 4 Hours then you will get 21 XP, 5 Milk Bottles, 3 Cheese and 1 Fertilizer  After 100 feedings it will turn in to a prized cow. Then you will get 150 XP and 2 Swiss Cheese when you feed. it will take 18 hours for prized animal to become hungry.Use the cheat to get it.

Baby Abondance Cow

Scan: e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (Pink Flamingo)
Change To: e_animal_baby_cow_abondance

Adult Abondance Cow

Scan: e_deco_horseshoegame_generic (Horseshoe Pit)
Change To: e_animal_adult_cow_abondance

Prized Abondance Cow

Scan: e_rare_crafted_lemonade_peach (Peach Lemonade)
Change To: e_animal_prized_cow_abondance

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