
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Cow Breeding

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Cow Breeding

Hello Friends,

As you all know that Farmville 2 Cow breeding is coming to our farm very soon. it work same as Horse Breeding For Full Guide Click Here . You can create unique looking cows with boosts stats and production output. The higher the pedigree the bred cow has the better it’s production and points for the Fair.Get Early Access to Cow Breeding and choose your own bonus exclusives! Pick a barn! Choose three cows! Free Resource Pack worth 74 Farm Bucks! Upgrade to a fantastic new Breeding Barn! If you don't wanna spend money then use these cheat code to get it early. ENJOY.

Cow Breeding Token

Scan: e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (Pink Flamingo)
Change To: e_token_breeding_cow_barn_1

Brand New Breeding Token

Scan: e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (Pink Flamingo)
Change To: e_token_breeding_cow_barn_2


  1. @admin And @ stylish when i got this cow breeding barm so i lose the horse one .... i just want to know if we place the cow breeding barm So Zyngha replace it with horse breeding barm ?

  2. @ Admin lol delete my previous comment with this one i got the answer for horse and cow are the same breeding barn but a categories added in the breeding farm click for horse breeding and click for cow breeding

  3. It does not work - neither the first a variant nor the second.
    I was given Cow Breeding, I would like to activate it.
    But after reading the first version use it disappeared from the game.
    to obtain a new barn - the second a variant also does not work
    help me please
