
Farmville 2 Fertilizer Bin Guide

Hey Farmers, Do you need more Fertilizer? If so, the new Fertilizer Bin is for you! Feed your animals to fill the Bin and then harvest it to earn free Fertilizer for your crops. If that wasn't enough, you also have a chance of earning Speed-Grow when you collect from your Fertilizer Bin, so head on over to FarmVille 2 and start building today! 

If you are level 9 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on “Place Fertilizer Bin” to get started.

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For White Irish Mulranny Goat

Hello Friends, We know that is very difficult to find cheat codes for animals or any other thing of Farmville 2. Farmville 2 Cheaters is trying to help players as much as we can.we are trying to give you all cheat codes of different type of animals, trees, building and crops in one place so you can find easily these cheats.

White Irish Mulranny Goat

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Carving Corner

We had enough of the winter chills! Are you ready for spring? Maybe if we start decorating for spring, it'll arrive a little earlier! Let's carve ostrich eggs for my B&B! You can get a baby White Mulranny Irish Goat in return as reward. Carved eggs are so lovely! You will have a wonderful job with them. Place your Carving Corner around your B&B for all your guests to admire.

Feed adult ostriches to get Colored Eggs. Carve intricate designs into those Colored Eggs.