
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Puppy Stage

Build Your Puppy Stage!

Hello Friends,
Farmville 2 will start to roll out soon a new feature where you will have a chance to adopt a new dog for your farm. These new dogs which you will train in your Farmville 2 Puppy Stage will have a new ability where the adult dog entertains your farmhands who’ll leave more gifts. This feature will be available for early access stage in the following weeks before it will went for full release. Enjoy...
The sooner you train the puppies, the sooner you can adopt all four! Get four unruly puppies ready for the puppy pageant, and adopt them all when they're fully trained!
Start with 2 Training Ribbons to help you train the puppies quicker! Adult dogs will entertain Farmhands, who'll leave more gifts! Make room on your farm for your puppy, and come back to the Stage to finish adopting your puppy!
Complete each lesson within the time limit to earn two Training Ribbons! Any later, and you'll only earn one! The limited-time boosts will help you finish the lessons within the time limit so you can earn Training Ribbons faster! Earn 16 Training Ribbons to successfully train all four puppies!
Once they're pageant ready, you can adopt them! Each lesson you choose gives you an exclusive way to boost your productivity. Don't miss out on using these to complete each town within its time limit!

Release Date: 01/03/2016

Making A Complete Puppy Stage
Scan: e_deco_animated_windchime_sun (Wind Chime)
Change To: e_building_hero_dog_v3_kennel

Removing A Complete Puppy Stage

Scan: e_building_hero_dog_v3_kennel
Change To: e_removing_hero_dog_v3_kennel

Puppy Stage As Decoration
Scan: e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (Pink Flamingo)
Change To: e_deco_building_hero_dog_v3

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