
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For New Market Stall

Build Your New Market Stall!

Hello Friends,
 Earn 10 Training Ribbons to train 1 puppy, 12 to train 2 puppies, 14 for 3 puppies, and 16 Training Ribbons to successfully train all four puppies. Complete Shared Orders with your Co-Op and win big! Congratulations! You’ve won your Co-Op’s very first Shared Order! Let’s get started! All your Co-op members can see this order and contribute to it. In addition to increasing your Co-op’s weekly reward, you’ll win these extra rewards when your Shared Order is completed!
Making A Complete New Market Stall
Scan: e_deco_general_arch_stainedglass (Stained Glass Sun Flower Arch)
Change To: e_building_marketstall_mccorders

Removing A Complete New Market Stall

Scan: e_building_marketstall_mccorders
Change To: e_removing_marketstall_mccorders

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