
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Mushroom Planter

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Mushroom Planter

Hello Friends,
Farmville 2 Mushroom Planter is a limited time feature that will be available for player to be placed in their farm. They can build it using materials that can be obtain through friends. Once completed, you can now start collecting Scotch Bonnet Mushroom by harvesting crops in your farm. You can also craft Scotch Bonnet Mushroom. This feture will be available on Tuesday (July 12). Enjoy...

Making A Complete Mushroom Planter

Scan: e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Wine Bottle Spread)
Change To: e_building_basket_mushroom

Removing A Complete Mushroom Planter

Scan: e_building_basket_mushroom
Change To: e_removing_basket_mushroom

Removing A Under-Construction Mushroom Planter

Scan: e_building_basket_mushroom_construction
Change To: e_removing_basket_mushroom_construction

Mushroom Planter As Decoration
Scan: e_deco_milkjug_generic (Milk Jug)
Change To: e_deco_basket_mushroom

Material Required To Build Mushroom Planter
  • Mushroom Box
Scan: e_deco_inbloom_flowerbox_planter_qtlg1 (Blossum Box)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_basket_mushroom_part1
  • Planter Paint
Scan: e_deco_inbloom_flowerbox_planter_qtlg1 (Blossum Box)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_basket_mushroom_part2
  • Planter Arm
Scan: e_deco_inbloom_flowerbox_planter_qtlg1 (Blossum Box)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_basket_mushroom_part3

Scotch Bonnet Mushrooms (Ticket or Points)
Scan: e_deco_animated_chair_rocking (Rocking Chair)
Change To: e_rare_basket_mushroom_ticket

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