
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Feeling Flu Quests

Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Feeling Flu Quests

Barbara is worried with Percy’s condition in Farmville 2 Feeling Flu Quests. The timing couldn’t be more worst as Walter is off with his friends to indulge in his new hobby. That is why she is asking if we could help her. This will be our objective in this edition of Farmville 2 Quests which is going to be released Tuesday (Oct 4th).

  • Thermometer
Scan: e_deco_general_arch_stainedglass (Stained Glass Sun Flower Arch)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_sc_leaf_peeping_01
  • Ice Pack
Scan: e_deco_general_arch_stainedglass (Stained Glass Sun Flower Arch)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_sc_leaf_peeping_02
  • Facial Sauna
Scan: e_deco_general_arch_stainedglass (Stained Glass Sun Flower Arch)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_sc_leaf_peeping_03

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