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Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 19.1 Hack (2019)

Farmville 2 Trainer Xsonicx 19.1 Hack (2019) (Please Leave A Massage If Not Working) Hello Friends,  Today's new update Fv2-Xs...


Farmville 2 Cheat Code For Crafting Corner

Build Your Crafting Corner!

Hello Friends,
Help Percy and his friends build the Farmville 2 Crafting Corner in your farm.  Feed Adult Ducks to find Crest Feathers! Use Crest Feathers to craft feather flowers! The more Adult Ducks on your farm, the better your chances of getting Crest Feathers.Find all the Crest Feathers you can for the Crafting Corner! Share some with friends too! Supply Barbara with feather flowers and earn a Blue Astrex Rex Rabbit!Super Feed Ducks to make them produce more Crest Feathers!Hint: You can make Crest Feathers in the Workshop with Brown Feathers and Crayons. Release Date 22 March. Enjoy...
Making A Complete Crafting Corner
Scan: e_deco_birdhouse_wood (Budget Birdhouse)
Change To: e_building_input_duck

Removing A Complete Crafting Corner

Scan: e_building_input_duck
Change To: e_removing_input_duck

Removing A Under-Construction Crafting Corner

Scan: e_building_input_duck_construction
Change To: e_removing_input_duck_construction

Material Required To Build Crafting Corner

Feather Flower Displays
Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green (Verdant Breath Kite)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_input_duck_part1

Faether Basket
Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green (Verdant Breath Kite)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_input_duck_part2

Carved Posts
Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green (Verdant Breath Kite)
Change To: e_rare_buildable_input_duck_part3

  Crafting Corner As Decoration
Scan: e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Wine Bottle Spread)
Change To: e_deco_building_input_duck

Crest Feather (Ticket)
Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_red (Crimson Sighs Kite)
Change To: e_rare_animal_input_duck_ticket


  1. crest feather code costs 14 farm bucks!!

    1. we have given cheat code for crest feather above you can use the cheat code to get it free.


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