
Farmville 2 Cheat Code For County Full of Colors! Quest

Hey, farmer! I love visiting your farm. The welcome here is always warm! Hey hey, Marie! I saw you and Cornelius brewing cold teas! How's that going? Beau-tea-fully! I have my own little project to spruce up the county in time for spring, to make it look pretty! I'll help!

1.Color Me Pretty - If my project turns out to be a success, the entire county will be full of the liveliest spring colors!
  • Perform 5 actions on neighbor farms to survey the county!
  • Gather 20 Water.
  • Water 15 Florist's Cineraria.
2.Color Me Pretty - If my project turns out to be a success, the entire county will be full of the liveliest spring colors!
  • Collect 5 Flowering Topiary.
  • Gather 15 Egg; to keep your chickens busy.
  • Make 2 Strawberry Lemonade, they're a great snack!
3.A Fence In Need - Let's provide our workers with wood logs so they can start making fences!
  • Collect 8 Piece of Wood to build fences with.
  • Feed 4 Adult Rabbit.
  • Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Foraging job.
4.Color Under My Feet - Paths around here would look lively when lined with colored pebbles. This county will surely benefit from your sense of style!
  • Collect 5 Colorful Pebble for cobblestones.
  • Gather 20 Power.
  • Make 3 Cranberry Muffin for Walter
5.I've Cotton Idea! - Could you make me some fine thread so I can thank Barbara for the inspiration?
  • Tend your Horse Stable 2 times. They have a calming air about them.
  • Harvest 4 Apple Tree, for the horses.
  • Make 2 Brown Spindle.
6.Mount Brushmore - The handymen have asked for Plaster to coat the walls with before applying paint.
  • Feed 4 Adult Cow.
  • Make 3 Bucket of Plaster
  • Make 2 Citrus Tea.
7.Aviary Refreshing - One of these bird feeders on each farm should make the whole county, uh, bird-friendly!
  • Collect 5 Red Bird Feeder. Red’s a great color!
  • Feed 5 Adult Horse.
  • Go Fishing 5 times.
8.Game Of Cones - To celebrate our efforts coming to fruition, I'd say some ice cream is in order!
  • Harvest 20 Strawberry.
  • Tend to your Pig Pen 2 times.
  • Make 3 Strawberry Ice Cream to celebrate!
County Full of Colors! - Quest Materials Cheat Codes
  • Flowering Topiary
Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow (Sky Blossom Kite)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_crafting_timed_tea_1
  • Colorful Pebble
Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow (Sky Blossom Kite)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_crafting_timed_tea_2
  • Red Bird Feeder
Scan: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow (Sky Blossom Kite)
Change To: e_viral_q_hud_crafting_timed_tea_3


  1. Can you please tell me how to go about getting the upgrades for my trees in a grove for levels 2-5 above the limit of 45. Several of my neighbors have over a 100 of them on their property. I woulf like just about ten more. Thanks

    1. use search option to find the related post and use it is available on the blog
