
Farmville 2 Water Fields Upgrade Guide!

Water Fields are here! Now you can use Water Fields to get more Crops, Bait, and even Golden Lures! Store five Water Plots in each Field and save valuable space on your River!

Note: To ensure that FarmVille 2 remains an enjoyable experience for all of our players, we will be slowly releasing this feature over time. We are excited to get this out to all of our players and we appreciate your continued patience.

If you are level 27 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on "Learn More" and you'll be taken to the Upgrade Menu.
Water Fields - FarmVille 2
There are five Water Field Upgrades (Level 1 – 5), which will grant you additional Bonuses while harvesting. From the Upgrade menu, click on each Field Upgrade to view the Bonuses.
Water Fields - FarmVille 2
After you have selected the Field you would like to upgrade, you will need to build it by placing it on your River and adding five Water Plots to the construction frame in order to complete it. If you do not have five Water Plots, you can purchase them from your HUD using the Plot Tool (see image below).
Water Fields - FarmVille 2
Note: You only have to add five Water Plots to Level 1 Water Fields. If you choose to upgrade any Water Field, you do not need to add Water Plots to the construction frame to complete them. 

Use the Move Tool to drop your Plots into the construction frame.
Water Fields - FarmVille 2
Once you have placed the Field on your River, you will see the following popup. Click on the “Add Water Plots” button and add the five Water Plots into the Field.
Water Fields - FarmVille 2
Once your Water Field is complete, click on it to select the Water Crop you wish to plant. After the Crop has matured, click on it to harvest it and get bonus resources.
Water Fields - FarmVille 2
Additional Information: 
  • All Level 1 Water Fields require five Water Plots to be put inside the construction frame in order to complete it. If you do not have five Water Plots, you can purchase them from your HUD using the Plot Tool. 
  • All Water Fields are rotatable and can only be placed in the River.

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